What Happens When You Have Endometriosis?

What Happens When You Have Endometriosis?

Find out how an OBGYN treats and helps you manage endometriosis.

If you deal with unexplained or intense lower abdominal pain and cramping, particularly around your period, you may think that this is just a normal part of menstruation but it’s actually not. This could be a sign of endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus is also present and growing outside the uterus. This can lead to adhesions and scar tissue, as well as pelvic pain and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. Fortunately, your Fountain Valley, CA, OBGYN Dr. Debora Sedaghat of OC Women’s Care can help you find the treatment you need to get your endometriosis under control.

How common is endometriosis?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that endometriosis can impact around 1 in 10 women in their reproductive years. While this condition is quite common and can affect women between the ages of 15-44 it is more common in women in their 30s and 40s.

Since endometriosis may make it more difficult to become pregnant, women who have endometriosis will want to turn to our OBGYN team for treatment options and to improve their chances of becoming pregnant.

What are the signs of endometriosis?

Painful cramping is one of the most common symptoms. These cramps usually occur around your menstrual cycle and can continue to get worse over time. Some women with endometriosis may also experience pain with sex or vaginal pain with bowel movements. Spotting between cycles is also more common in women with this gynecological condition.

If you notice abnormal spotting or bleeding, or painful menstruation, it’s a good idea to talk to our Fountain Valley, CA, team to find out what’s going on.

How is endometriosis treated?

Even though there is no cure for endometriosis, there are a variety of ways to help you treat and manage your condition. Hormonal birth control pills, shots, or intrauterine devices may be recommended to improve painful periods and breakthrough bleeding. If you are trying to become pregnant, hormonal treatments won’t be the best option.

In this case, our team will recommend a gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which is taken for a short period of time to reduce the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. This can also improve your chances of getting pregnant once you come off the medication.

Sometimes surgery is necessary if medications aren’t providing our patients with the relief they need. Surgery is typically not recommended unless you are experiencing severe symptoms or non-surgical treatment options aren’t working.

OC Women’s Care in Fountain Valley, CA, can help you better manage your endometriosis. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, or you simply suspect that you might have endometriosis, our OBGYN team can help. Call Dr. Sedaghat today at (714) 966-2112 to schedule an appointment.

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